Realignment Is A Requirement

Long time no see, I pray you’ve been well…

So Listen, let’s get into it. Have you ever just needed a break from people? Like, just silencing the background noise and only taking care of the necessities? I can’t be the only one like there’s no way. So for those of you, who like me, did not get adequate preparation for adulting, let’s chat.

People who know me can attest that my relationship with social media is the most unstable thing in my life. I cannot speak for everyone else, but in full transparency, I get overwhelmed when too many people have access to me. I genuinely believe text messages and DMs have created this communication entitlement that people expect you to reply on their time and not yours. The conditioning “notifications” have set off in the brain have led you to check your phone even when it has not made a sound. So in the midst of balancing my career, parenting, and my relationships with family and friends; realignment is a constant requirement for me.

In short, realignment is returning to the space where you feel good from the inside out. Where everything in your life is seemingly working together for you to be the best version of yourself. Life can get you out of alignment and the scary thing is when you’re not aware and you’ve mastered operating in dysfunction it’s no longer dysfunction it’s your norm.

The interesting thing about getting older is gauging the progress of your mental, physical, and spiritual growth. The evolution of YOU. The experiences, the people you’ve encountered along the way, the lessons; the journey. But what’s more interesting, in my opinion, is how your evolution is aligned with the evolution of the world. I’ve learned to give so much grace to people in that what works for them may not work for me, and that’s ok. Maybe the attention people seek and receive on social media is the reason they haven’t given up on themselves. Maybe some find themselves stuck between leaving the people who are stunting their growth and the fear of the loneliness they think is on the other side of the door. Some people ONLY know how to be takers. More importantly, accept the fact that someone’s process does not have to look like yours in order for them to be growing. Excessive sunlight does not work the same for every plant.

I have mentioned before that the best way to know when you’re in need of realignment is when you’re uncomfortable on the inside but can’t identify the root of the issue. I am a therapist whose first solution is not medication. Your anxiety and depression may be able to be minimized by taking back the time you’ll never get again and investing it into yourself. Find your method of realignment and dedicate your time to that as often as necessary. Remember, those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. When your friends or family become distant or withdrawn, let’s get out of the habit of asking “What’s wrong?” and step into asking “What’s changed?”

A caterpillar has no other option but to go away for a while in order to come back fly.


Survival Mode


What could go right?